Monday, February 21, 2011

Do You Believe?

Do you believe in aliens? Are we alone in the universe?
Working on a project with controversial subject matter. Can't give many details yet, but soon...
Soon all will be revealed....

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Henry Cavill is the new Superman

Ok, so with the casting of Mr Cavill as the new Man of Steel, I've come to see numerous 'negative' remarks  regarding the decision to cast a British actor for the role of an iconic American character. Well, first off, he's an actor. Actor's jobs are to portray someone other than themselves, so technically shouldn't matter where he's from. If he's capable of pulling off the role, then even if he didn't know a lick of english it wouldn't matter when the cameras are rolling.
Second point, and this may anger many Americans out there, but I need to be honest. Think of the many recent superhero castings that have occurred. Batman/Christian Bale=Welsh. Spider-Man/Andrew Garfield=British. Wolverine/Hugh Jackman=Australian. Thor/Chris Hemsworth=Australian. Green Lantern/Ryan Reynolds=Canadian. Starting to see a pattern? The matter comes down to the fact that, IN GENERAL, actors seem to be 'stronger' when coming from countries such as Britain, Canada, etc. By no means is this a 100% account, but when you look at many of these actors compared to an american counterpart, the British/Canadian/Australian actors are just plain stronger.
And for most Superhero stories, you need a strong presence, a sense of nobility which I fear many American actors just don't have.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My VERY first post!

Ok here we go!! If you are reading this, then you are privy to the beginnings of what is sure to be a wild ride in the world that is my work. You will be witness to my numerous postings regarding my views on matters, reviews on films/games/geek culture, perhaps some behind-the-scene looks into film/tv work I do, and most importantly, a peek into the world of my writing.

Strap in, and enjoy the ride....