Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3 has chills and frights

Ok yes, Halloween is over, but the timing was such that the review is coming out now. I saw the film on Halloween night, so all good. Without further adieu..... Paranormal Activity 3.

Have you seen the first two of the Paranormal Activity franchise??? Most people seem to either love them or hate them. There isn't a lot of middle ground.
For those not in the know, the franchise revolves around paranormal activity (hence the title) that seems to plague a particular family. 
The first film revolved around Katie and her husband/boyfriend/whatever Micah. What started out as a run of the mill haunting became more complex, involving a family curse that would not end.  Micah uses his handy video camera to catch all the action, which is how we the audience saw it.   
The second film involved Kristie, Katie's younger sister. Seeing the story by means of their house's security cameras, we soon discovered that the curse had Kristie's baby Hunter as the target all along.
So here comes the third film, and it's a prequel dating back to Katie and Kristie's childhood told via old vhs home videos that were recorded. It takes a while for the momentum to get going, but once it does, it doesn't back down. The occurrences get more and more violent until the film's breaking climax.
One of the most fun parts of the film was when an oscillating fan was used as a base to make the video camera pan. This brings a slow yet anxious style to some moments in the film as the audience is waiting impatiently to see what just happened further to the right while the camera was panned left. 
I've had respect for these films in that they have managed to do so well, when born from very humble beginnings. My only gripe is that if they decide to make many more of these flicks, they'll be milking the cow far past it's prime. We'll see.
I recommend it if you liked the first two, or are a fan of the 'found footage' genre in general. But if you are not, then maybe skip this one.

BOO!! (yeah....Halloween is over....I know.....)