A few films have been seen since my last posting, but I'll only mention the 2 truly good ones right now, and they have something in common. That something is Joss Whedon...
Whedon wrote and produced a fantastic little horror flick called Cabin in the Woods. This film is nothing like your average slasher flick. in fact, it's entire existence is built upon smashing those stereotypes and sending it all off in unpredictable directions. Oh, and the last 15 minutes of the film are the most enjoyabe out of any horror/slasher/thriller I've seen. EVER.
Directed by Joss Whedon, Avengers is one of the best comic movies ever made considering the titanic work that had to be done to pull it off. And pull it off they did. It's not perfect, but it's damn near close. If you have not seen it yet, DO SO!
OK. Now on to the topic of this review, the film PROMETHEUS.
This post is not a review per say, more like a reflection on my thoughts concerning the story. You want a review? Here it is; great film, confusing ending unless looked at a certain way.
The movie's title refers to the greek myth of Prometheus, the titan who provided fire from the gods to mankind. The gods then punished him for it, but mankind was forever changed from that point on. The name serves not only as the name of the ship in the film, but also as a metaphor for the advancment of man, the point he has reached in this film, and the repercussions of that,
The setup involves discoveries of ancient cave paintings etc from numerous civilizations pointing to a particular star system, information given to us from advanced beings that visited us in ancient times. This plot point parallels real life and the ancient astronaut theory that man was indeed created by an alien race (google Annunaki for all the details). Soon an expedition is set forth to this star system to find said beings. What the explorers find is beyond anything they imagined, and everything they could fear.
Those who remember the Alien movies with Sigourney Weaver will be familiar with parts of this film, for it is actual a 'prequel' of sorts, setting up the path that continues in the original Alien film from 1979.
The famous 'space jockeys' are heavily referenced in this film, and are actually shown what they actually look like under that armor as seen in the original Alien. At first I was let down by their appearance, but then I realized, considering their relationship to man, it made sense.
The confusing ending I mentioned involves the point that Alien picks up, and the only way it makes sense is if you think the ship they eventually find is actually a different ship than the one depicted in this film. That's all I can really say.
If you were a fan of the original Alien films, definitly see Prometheus. If you are not a fan, or don't remember, still see this because it definitly still stands on it's own as a great sci fi adventure. I also encourage everyone to draw parallels between the space jockeys and history's Annunaki legends. They are literally the same, and definitely what Ridley Scott drew inspiration from for this story.
One of the best of the year this far.