Monday, June 13, 2011

That movie was 'MINT' review of SUPER 8

Remember Close Encounters Of The Third Kind? How about E.T.? How about Jaws for that matter? All these classic films had two things in common. 1; They were made in the height of 70s cinema, and 2; They were made by Spielberg. What does this have to do with Super 8? Check the trailer...

The story, set in the 70s, revolves around a young boy and his friends as they partake in their monster movie making activities. Their movies are made on a super 8 camera, hence the title. One night while doing this, these kids witness the derailing of a military train. Only this train's cargo may have mysterious origins. If you liked Close Encounters and/or E.T., your gonna like this movie. This film practically oozes with 70s Spielberg-esque nostalgia, and that's a great thing.
There are a few problems with the film though. While I reminisced over my similar origins these kids have (i recall the Hi 8 films I made in school), a couple of them are just too annoying, so much so you don't really care what happens to them. That is balanced out hoever with some great performances and scenes involving the kids' fathers. One of the best scenes of the film, in fact, involves the two fathers in a quiet scene in a jeep.
The one big problem though was a missed opportunity. While I completely understand what J.J. Abrams was going for with the climax of the story, there would have been a far more complex and heartfelt ending that pretty much stares you in the face. I cant say much more that that without giving anything away, but let's just say that the creature Abrams has created coud have used some more fleshing out.
And speaking of the creature, Abrams seems to have a fetish for this type of monster design. If you've ever seen Cloverfield, you'll know what I mean.
All in all Super 8 is a fine film, with a nostalgic taste to it you can appreciate. While there are missed opportunities and a few characters you don't really care about, it's still very enjoyable and worth the ride.

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